Weekly Update News #8

It's time for another weekly news post! This has been quite the week!

The latest Beta testing went pretty well! Only a couple of things that needed fixing! Keep an eye out for the Public Release, it's coming this week!

This week, I want to talk about an idea that I'm been tossing around in my head for a while now...

A Non Commitment Mode/Setting/Option!
- With the setting on, dialogue choices will no longer lock out as a consequence of previous choices.
- This allows the player to just pick whatever choice and avoid having the 'commit' to any choice
- The optional dialogue will still happen depending on the choices (not sure how to handle this yet, still figuring it out)

Adding onto last week's update news, the game is a linear story with branching paths that will loop back into itself. With this mode/setting/option, it's possible for a player to go through all the branching paths with a single save file (since there's no lock out).

Yeah, so I'm NOT saying that this feature will be in the game but it's an interesting idea...

That's it for now! Have a nice day! Now. back to the grindstone...

- Overclock Studios

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